Thought Leadership

Catalyzing Transformational Healthcare Solutions

Alexandria Summit panel

We coalesce our world-class global life science, healthcare, agrifoodtech, and climate innovation networks for ecosystem-building events and strategic programs that foster impactful collaborations and drive innovation across our thriving ecosystems.

Alexandria Summit®

The Alexandria Summit, founded in 2011, is a highly collaborative neutral platform that convenes our preeminent network of visionary stakeholders to engage in transformative discussions and stimulate new approaches to the most important issues facing human health.


President and Co-Founder of the Alexandria Summit and Chief of Science of Alexandria, Lynne Zydowsky, PhD, moderated an engaging conversation with FDA Commissioner Robert Califf, MD, MACC, at the Alexandria Summit – Gene Therapy 2022. View their discussion of the approaches and progress in the field of gene therapy from a regulatory perspective, in which Dr. Califf shares his insights into and vision for genetic medicine.